PTE Classes

About PTE

ESP Global Visa offers a PTE (Pearson Test of English) course, a computer-based English language proficiency test specially designed for non-native English speakers seeking opportunities to work, migrate, or study abroad. PTE Academic, the first entirely computer-based English-language assessment test for international study, is powered by cutting-edge AI technology, providing a fast and convenient testing solution. With ESP Global Visa, you can schedule your PTE test 24 hours in advance, and your test results are typically published within 48 hours of completing the exam.

Our PTE-A (Pearson Test of English Academic) course at ESP Global Visa is highly favored by students. Many students opt for this course as an alternative to the IELTS and TOEFL exams. We deliver our courses using a rotating module system, similar to other exam preparation courses. This approach allows students to enrol in a new session each week, ensuring a comprehensive and flexible learning experience.

Types of PTE Tests

There are two types of PTE tests: PTE Academic Test and PTE General Test. Both types of PTE tests have four sub-tests – Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking to determine one’s English language skills.

Academic Test

PTE Academic test is explicitly designed for students who wish to study in English-speaking countries. PTE scores work as proof of English proficiency for universities to ensure the student can understand and access the study materials given in English. Many countries including Australia and New Zealand specifically refer to the PTE test for admission. PTE Academic test results are only valid for two years from the release of the result.

General Test

PTE General test is specially designed for those who are planning to go abroad for work or migration. While PTE academic test is taken in four parts (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking), the PTE General test has two main sections – Writing and Speaking. The Writing part in the PTE General exam further splits into Listening, Reading, and Writing sections. Unlike PTE Academic results,  PTE General test results do not have an expiry date.

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